A Favicon (short for favorite icon) is the little icon on the browser address bar. Having your own Favicon adds professionalism to your blog or website. Here are the steps to creating your own Favicon.
- Visit http://www.favicongenerator.com/ to create or your own Favicon.
- Browse for the image you would like to use as your Favicon. If you've already created a button, you can select that to use as your Favicon.
- Click "Generate Favicon".
- Save your newly created Favicon as "favicon.ico".
- Upload your new Favicon to your root directory, Photobucket or directory where you store your blog's images.
- Add the following code to the section of your blog template or website replacing "/favicon.icon" with the correct path to your Favicon:
< link href='/favicon.ico' rel='shortcut icon'/ >
< link href='favicon.ico' rel='icon'/ >
< link href='favicon.ico' rel='icon'/ >
That's all there is to it. If you have any questions, please contact me and I'll be more than happy to help.
Hi! I tried getting through with this and it doesn't work. Please help: